  • Public
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  • All



Implements helper functions for making calls to the Nationskollen API.

Initial setup

Package is published using Github Packages and requires authentication to both read and write.

First, create a new Personal token in your Github settings:

Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens

Then click Generate new token.

Select the write:packages and read:packages scopes and click "Generate token".

Create a new file in your home directory ~/.npmrc containing the following:

//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=<personal access token>

Github Docs


Create .npmrc in your project root (same directory as package.json in sdk) containing the following:


Install the library:

npm install --save @nationskollen/sdk


Import the API client using:

import { Provider } from '@nationskollen/sdk'



Install dependencies (npm install) in both root and example/.


  • npm run setup - Installs all dependencies
  • npm run dev - Watches for changes to source files and starts react example
  • npm run build - Build source files
  • npm run watch - Watch source files and rebuild on changes
  • npm run lint - Lint source code using ESLint
  • npm run format - Format source code using prettier
  • npm publish - Published the package to Github Packages


Documentation is available using typedoc and can be generated using one of the commands below. Open docs/index.html in your browser to see the documentation.

  • npm run docs - Generate documentation
  • npm run docs:watch - Generate documentation and regenerate automatically on changes

Generated using TypeDoc