Here are all the routes specified that can be used for the different CRUD
operations on the models.
In short; A route is often protected using a {@category Middleware |
middleware} that authenticates the request and makes sure the operation that
is requested is performed correctly.
The routes have the characteristics like for e.g:
GET /api/v1/nations/400/locations/1
Documentation aobut the CRUD operations and how the different paths look
like can be found in the insomnia documenation.
Here are all the routes specified that can be used for the different
operations on the models.In short; A route is often protected using a {@category Middleware | middleware} that authenticates the request and makes sure the operation that is requested is performed correctly.
The routes have the characteristics like for e.g:
Documentation aobut the CRUD operations and how the different paths look like can be found in the