The address of the location
The cover image for the location to be displayed
The date the location was created
The description of the location
Estimated people at the location
The Id of the location
The assigned default location for nation (parent model)
If the location is currently open or not
Latitude coordinates for the location
Longitude coordinates for the location
Max people capacity of the location
The menus that are used at a given location, there can be multiple menus
The name of the location
The id of the nation the location belongs to
The opening hours exceptions that are used at a given location, there can be multiple opening hours exceptions
The opening hours that are used at a given location, there can be multiple opening hours
Wether to display the location on the map or not
The date the location was updated
Set location state to closed
Set location state to open
Fetch all locations with all opening hours preloaded
Sets the previous location that was the default location for the nationback to false. It can only be initiated when a new default is proposed
The method that dynamically update the activity level based on the estimated people count
The location to update its activity level
Fetch single location with all opening hours preloaded
The id of the location
Generated using TypeDoc
The activity level at the location, dynamically changed depending on estimatedPeopleCount and maxCapacity