  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

A nation is the organizational model that holds all other models inside it. The server has 13 nation models.

The nation model can only be created/updated by a nation admin. Whereas staff that is part of nation will only have the ability to configure parts such as the location activity levels.

A nation model is built up with the following structure:

# GET /api/v1/nations/400

   "oid": 400,
   "name": "Västmanlands-Dala nation",
   "short_name": "V-dala",
   "description": "Eius sint beatae id quos.",
   "icon_img_src": null,
   "cover_img_src": null,
   "accent_color": "#0053a4"

As shown above, the locations for the nation are not in the response. Though they can be accessed through different CRUD operation such as;

GET /api/v1/nations/400/locations

See Location for more info about locations.

The same goes for the events for a nation, accessed through similar CRUD operation(s). See Event for more info.



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