Function that creates a staff user to use in testing
The id the user will be apart of
If the user is suppsoed to be a regular staff user or an admin in the nation
Function that creates a test event to test with
The nation the event will be from
The given date the event will occur at
Function that creates a test opening hour exception to test with
The location the openingHour will be from
Function that creates a test location to test with
The nation the location will be from
Function that creates a test menu
The nation the menu will be apart of
The location the menu will be apart of
Creates a test MenuItem
menu id for where the menuItem is to be placed within
Function that creates a test nation to use in testing
Function that creates a test opening hour to test with
The location the openingHour will be from
Extracts the relative path given an absolutePath
the absolute path
Generated using TypeDoc
This file contains different things that help our testing for the server.